Novio Magnum Rifle & Pistol Club Welcomes You

About Novio Magnum Rifle & Pistol Club
Target shooting is a sport for all. Men, women, the young and the old. You will see a good group of people from all walks of life shooting at the ranges at weekends and during the week.
The membership, approximately 70, shoot a variety of disciplines ranging from; prone smallbore rifle to muzzle loading rifle. We all take part in a variety of competitions, taking it seriously, but having fun at the same time.
The club participates in inter-club, county and national competitions as well as running internal competitions and fun shoots. The fun shoots take place at various times during the year, with a number of 'range' days, although the latter are a little bit harder on the back. We feel the club has a lot to offer a committed sports person, so feel free to roam around the club website and we look forward to hearing from you.
Novio Magnum Rifle & Pistol Club Services
At present we are actively seeking a new outdoor range. In the mean time the club is regularly attending Bisley ranges to continue centrefire target shooting. Read on to learn more about what we can do for you.
Becoming a Member
The minimum age for members of Novio Magnum Rifle & Pistol Club is at the discretion of the club committee. On a practical level there is no point in anyone too young joining because the air guns and .22 rimfire rifles are too heavy and large to use. Initially we would expect ALL minors to be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who would usually be a full member of the club.
The annual club membership costs are currently:
Full members £120.00 p/a
Family membership £180.00 p/a
Junior membership £60.00 p/a
Probationary membership £60.00 per 6 months
At the end of provisional membership you would be required to pay the balance of the remaining year, not a full years subs. Assuming that you wish to become a full member and have proved to be a responsible person with firearms, passing a live firearms test with a member of the committee.
Novio News
March Update
We will be adding some new content to our website over the next few weeks. Please check back again soon!
The club now has a strong number of junior shooters who join us at Bisley every month for our long distance full bore shooting. Feel free to contact us if you have a junior that would like to join us.
Competitions for our members - There will be lots of competitions available to you. These could be club based, interclub, postal, national or even international; in a variety of different shooting disciplines. Entering them is easy, but do talk to the club committee, fullbore and smallbore captains, as these people will advise you on what you need to do, the equipment you need and what competition is like.
From the Shooting Disciplines page you can see that there are a lot of different areas to this sport. Some of the competitions are run over an extensive period of time, for instance 6 months. Others are a one day event. It is worth while finding out what you want to shoot first and go on from there. Have a look at the NRA, BARBA, MGLAB and NSRA websites to see what takes you fancy. Talking to other people in the club is also a good idea….. You never know you could be travelling abroad on your first international match in the near future.

Opening Hours
Come Visit - please contact us first. During the recent COVID outbreak, our range has been closed to all members. From the beginning of September, the committee have been working hard so the range can re-open in a controlled manner for our members. Guests and new members are not currently allowed to shoot. Please feel free to drop us a message for further information.
Wellington Road
There are 8 firing points at 10m 20yrd's & 25yrd's, which can be configured into Prone, 3-P, bench and standing positions.
Wellington Road Range has recently been refurbished to include the use of all pistol calibres with lead bullets, which meet the range velocity and muzzle energy limitations. All .22 rimfire firearms and air weapons can be used. Unfortunately NO BLACK POWDER Firearms. Visit Wellington Road on the following days:
Sunday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Saturday: 10am - 2pm
Sunday: First Sunday of the month (from 11am Summer and 2pm Winter)
Visiting Bisley
For fullbore rifle shooting with the NRA, you will need to visit Bisley. NMRPC is affilated to the National Rifle Association, but you will need to get a Safety Shooting Certificate from the NMRPC club president if you wish to shoot at Bisley. You will not be allowed range hire by the NRA unless you have this paperwork
Contact the NRA, via the links page, to gain further information about arranging a shoot and the costs involved. We currently shoot at Bisley once a month, so please look at the dates via the links here.

Richard Utting